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他们信任 我们

重庆盟众工程机械有限公司成立于2018年,专业从事挖掘机液压管道、破碎锤管路以及各类挖掘机前端属具管路设计研发与制造,目前给国内外知名挖掘机生产厂商配套合作,是一家集产品设计、开发、生产、销售为一体的全产业链服务性企业,公司分为钢管生产、表面喷涂、胶管扣压三个生产车间,拥有加工中心、高精度数控弯管机、数控立式环缝焊机、数控卧式环缝焊机等精加工设备;公司全体同仁依托强大的生产设备 完善的质保体系,秉持着“客户至上、品质第一”的经营理念,不断创新和改进,用卓越的产品 一流的服务赢得了广大客户的青睐与认可。...
About us

Extremely Low Maintenance

With corporate websites commonly used modules description module

25-Year Residential Warranty

With corporate websites commonly used modules description module

Long-Lasting Looks & Durability

With corporate websites commonly used modules description module

是什么让我们 与众不同

 brand power

brand power

Gather plastic modification research talents, with 30 years of industry experience. The engineer team establishes its own product and service standards according to ISO9001:2008, national standards a

 brand power

brand power

Gather plastic modification research talents, with 30 years of industry experience. The engineer team establishes its own product and service standards according to ISO9001:2008, national standards an

 brand power

brand power

Gather plastic modification research talents, with 30 years of industry experience. The engineer team establishes its own product and service standards according to ISO9001:2008, national standards an

 brand power

brand power

Gather plastic modification research talents, with 30 years of industry experience. The engineer team establishes its own product and service standards according to ISO9001:2008, national standards an






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News Fifteen: weolcome to our website

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News Fourteen: weolcome to our website

In laoreet augue vel volutpat elementum. Quisque ac velit eu nunc auctor tempor quis ac nisi. Mauris luctus sem velit, sed vulputate lacus eleifend si


News Six: weolcome to our website

In laoreet augue vel volutpat elementum. Quisque ac velit eu nunc auctor tempor quis ac nisi. Mauris luctus sem velit, sed vulputate lacus eleifend si